The resource planning (human, physical and financial) is largely based on the growth expectations of the University's student population. These expectations are supported by predictive and prescriptive models that reduce uncertainty about resource needs in the medium and long term and model the effects of possible decisions. DYNAMIC represents the University as a system in which students ddemand courses; the demand of each student in each course is known as Student Places. To meet the total number of Student Places demanded, the academic units offer  the necessary and sufficient courses considering faculty  and infrastructure.

Actores en DINAMICA


Each semester the student population is the sum of the incoming cohort and returning students. The cohort depends on market expectations and the historical behavior of enrolled and admitted students. The behavior of students in the system is modeled taking into account the advance rate in the study programs, the probabilities of change of program, double degree, dropouts and graduation.

Student Places

They are calculated based on the expected demand for courses, according to the progress of the students in their degree plan. The number of course sections to be offered is calculated based on the total Student Positions and the size of each course.


DYNAMIC relates the teaching load per faculty and the number of courses projected by contact hours, size and knowledge area.


DYNAMIC takes into account the availability of classrooms in campus and the maintenance and construction plans.

Campus aéreo

Installed Capacity Model

Prescriptive Analytic Optimization Model

This model seeks to answer, through DYNAMIC, the following questions:

  • Given a number of faculty and classrooms aviable, how many students could the university have?
  • If the University wanted to have a certain number of students, how many faculty and how many classrooms would it need?.

Population Projections

Predictive Forecasting and Simulation Models

This model aim to calculate, through DYNAMIC, the cohorts by program and the returning students, as well as faculty and classrooms needed in the following 10 years.

Do you want to know more information about DYNAMIC?

To solve any concerns or schedule a meeting, contact us

  • Juliana Gómez

  • Ext. 3121

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  • Cra. 1 No. 18A - 12
    Bogotá, Colombia
    Cód. Postal: 111711
    + (601) 339 49 49 Ext. 2029

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  • Calle 19A Nº 1 - 37 Este - Bloque P
    Ext. 2029
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Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación. 
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.

© - Derechos Reservados | Universidad de los Andes